Thursday, October 3, 2013

STOP MOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've finally gotten our animation unit done and uploaded to youtube (LMS art on youtube). I'm really excited about these videos as they are 100% student created. Students were asked to create a short scene or a narrative through the medium of stop motion animation. First we created small cubee sculptures that would serve as our characters in the videos. Next students spent time creating a set for their video, students had to create large drawings that served as a background and floor for their videos (much like a green screen in a movie). Then we got out the digital cameras and the students shot their videos one frame at a time--moving their characters a fraction of an inch at a time. Students then put all 100+ images into photoshop and edited them. Lastly we used windows moviemaker to edit the individual images into one short video. The project took a long time and a lot of work and I am very pleased with the result. Check them out!

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