Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekly Update 9/23/13 - 9/27/13

Sixth Grade

In sixth grade art we've continued working on color this week. We finished our landscape paintings (which we used color schemes on) and moved on to some review of all of the elements of art. On Thursday students took a quiz over the elements. Look for the landscapes to be posted in the next day or so, they're really great!


Seventh Grade

In seventh grade we have been plugging away at our grid style self portraits. Friday is the last day to work on these, so we'll see some finished products soon. I can't wait to see them, the progress has been really great so far!

Eighth Grade

Eight graders have been working on a lot of things at once this week. First we finished our positive/negative space still life paintings (images to come soon), then we glazed our pottery, and lastly we talked about the principle of design pattern, which we will use for a project next week.


Digital Art

We have almost finished our stop motion animations! I can't wait to share them with you!!!!

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