Thursday, August 22, 2013

Weekly Update 8/19/13-8/22/13

Weekly Update

Sixth Grade

This week sixth graders worked on their self-portrait collages. Students looked through magazines to find images that displayed their personalities to the viewer. We discussed the format of self-portraits as well as the process of collages. We finished these up on Thursday, so they should be up on the blog next week.

Seventh Grade

Seventh graders have been working on designs using their names to create radial symmetry. Last week we spent some time learning about how to create unique lettering styles, so this week students took that knowledge and used their names as the base for a drawing. Students traced their names and by rotating and translating them the designs connect and create kaleidoscopic images that are great examples of radial symmetry. These should be finished next week and hopefully will be uploaded then as well.

Eighth Grade

This week we continued our unit on creative lettering and worked on our final lettering projects--graffiti images of student names. Students looked at some examples of graffiti, and discussed the various cultural issues surrounding graffiti (legality, value compared to gallery art, formal art concepts, etc.) Then students created their own graffiti tags which we will cut out and hang in the halls so that the students can "tag" the school. Pictures to come soon.

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